Friday 18 February 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Thursday 28 October 2021


This term our topic is about Rangatiratanga/Leaders/Leadership.

This week we were learning about Atua Māori. We had to choose 1 Atua and think about how he/she displayed Rangatiratanga within their role. I chose Tanemahuta

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Taku Pūrākau

 My Beginning of Creation Story

I ngā rā o mua, there was nothing but darkness, no light even existed, no life was present.

It was nothing but darkness, until one very day there was a god who went to go talk to the sun. The god said give my people light the sun said no.So they captured the sun and they would not let him go until he'd agree that he would give his people light.So from that day on the sun would give the world light.But an evil man came after one thousand years and the evil man said i will make this world dark again for once and for all.And the world it went dark so the people called out the god who gave them light so the god heard their call so he went down over there to see what was happening the god saw evil after one million years he was shocked so he promised the people that he would save the and give the world light again. So he saved the people and the world.And he locked up the evil man in a secret dungeon so he would never be seen again.

The End